Panasonic's latest 103-inch 1080p plasma: step aside oil barons, this one's headed home

Hard to believe but Panasonic just introduced its third generation 103-inch plasma just in time for IFA. Model TH-103PZ800 adds a few more HDMI (4x 1080/24p) jacks with Deep Color and x.v.Color support, a smattering of tuners, a 10,000:1 contrast, and VIERA Link compatibility to ease the connectivity of all your like-minded, Panny gear. In fact, this set looks primed for home-use, not just the businesses and trust-funders targeted by Panny's previous monster sets. Ready for order on August 26th (shipping in September for Japan) for ?5.6 million or a bit more than $50k -- a steep, $20k price drop since February. But at 7-feet wide and nearly 6-feet tall you'll be paying a bit extra for professional installation to keep this 756-pound (343-kg) beast off your toes and out of your milkshake.

[ Via: Impress ]
[ Tag: 103-inch,deep color,DeepColor,hdmi,ifa,panasonic,pdp,plasma,TH-103PZ800,viera link,VieraLink,x.v.color ]