Hitachi brings up the rear with its CP-WX625 LCD projector

Although the flood has calmed to a trickle, we're still seeing a few more new projectors light up at InfoComm. The latest of which is Hitachi's CP-WX625, a WXGA (1,366 x 768) beamer packing an HDMI socket, 4,000 ANSI lumens, integrated speaker, side-mounted hybrid filter, a lamp good for 3,000 hours or so of PowerPoint projecting and a handful of other inputs more likely to be found in the boardroom / classroom. Mum's the word on a price or availability, but after one look at Samsung's SP-A800B, it's hard to really worry over units like this.

[ Via: Engadget ]
[ Tag: CP-WX625,hitachi,infocomm,infocomm 2008,Infocomm2008,pj,projector ]